Hi everyone,
I'm Lemar "Luke" Briones from Firo Philippines. This proposal is a continuation of the previous one >> Click this, the last proposal is not all set to cover the months of august and september which was approved as 100 firo per month which should be 300 firo all for three months, my report is for the month of July has already been recorded in this post >>July report when I received the 100 firo in the month of July, now the report for August and September is ongoing and will be forwarded soon.
Thank you for understanding!
200 firo for August and September
July 17-September 10, 2022 Link here
Hoping for your kind consideration.
100.0 FIRO
2022-10-02 18:14
100.0 FIRO
2022-09-10 04:36
200.0 FIRO