Native FIRO payments in Meile dVPN by MathNodes

Goal: 400 FIRO ($431.2) Committee
Proposal Completed


Decentralized VPNs are typically based on blockchain utility networks. Sentinel is one such dVPN that works on the Cosmos SDK and has proven as a desired network to host virtual privacy solutions. Our dAPP, Meile dVPN, is one such whitelabel on the Sentinel network. Over the course of the last year we have developed a framework to having cross-chain payments of subscription plans on Sentinel. We are the only app in Sentinel that has developed this technology. We now would like to make native FIRO payments available within our app. Our current solution is to use the Trocador plugin via our BTCPay invocing system. The disadvantage to this is that FIRO becomes automatically converted into Monero. We want to integrate NOWPayments for direct FIRO payments within Meile.

How much?

We expect the labor will take 1 week of development work and 1 week of testing to ensure reliability. The bill for this task will be solely on the development side as we will test it when completed. Our request is at $40/hr for 25 hours of development work. Testing will be handled by us with no additional cost. The cost is $500 or roughly 400 FIRO.


Currently we are the only such dVPN that accepts cross-chain Monero payments. We want to expand our native payments to as many privacy coins as possible. For Monero, we use our custom REST API we have developed that integrates with BTCPay. In Meile, a user can pay for a subscription plan (40-120 nodes), which cost either $3.14/mo for the basic plan, or $6/mo for the premium plan, with a variety of non-custodial solutions via our REST server and BTCPay.

We are looking to integrate NOWPayments, which is non-custodial, and direct FIRO payments into Meile. This will entail the integration of the NOWPayments API requests within Meile and then verifying the payment is successful which will then make a request to our REST server to complete the subscription of the user.

When a user then decides to connect to one of the nodes on the subscription plan, there is a gas fee in the native chain coin, DVPN, that is used. However, we have simplified this for the user as the REST server automatically pays the gas of the user so they do not need to deal with the native asset. We have scripts in place which continuously top up the users Meile wallet with gas fees, so there is no discontinuation of service.

Integrating NOWPayments with FIRO direct pay will make Meile the first such dVPN to accept FIRO directly without being converted to a different asset.


  1. NOWPayments Dashboard: Create the invoicing structure on the NOWPayments dashboard to handle FIRO invoicing of the various subscription duration requests from within Meile.

  2. UI Framework and API integration: Integrate the NOWPayments API direclty in the Meile source code, providing the option aside to BTCPay as a means of payment in Meile with in the UI. Users will be able to select a list of coins from within Meile using NOWPayments. For now, we are only focusing on FIRO with BEAM to be in a future release. There will be some UI development to get NOWPayments selectable and clearly labeled as a payment solution for Sentinel subscription plans.

  3. Working with NOWPayments API: Ensure the user is directed to the correct invoice on the NOWPayments gateway and utilize the NOWPayments API to ensure payment has been received and can begin the subscription request in Meile.

  4. Requests to our custom REST: Once NOWPayments marks an invoice as paid, Meile will then make a request to our REST API server to subscribe the user to the desired plan.

  5. Testing: Battle testing various options, such as cancellation requests and other oddities that may arise during payment and successful registration on the Sentinel blockchain.


Making Meile the first dVPN to direclty accept native FIRO payments for Sentinel subscription plans. Currently, Meile offers two subscription plans, Basic and Premium as outlined earlier. More plans will be created in the future such a Residential node plan where users can use nodes ran on residential ISP lines. This plan will be in high demand as residential nodes offer a premium service in regards to geoblocking and other forms of website intelligence directives.

Why you?

We are the sole creators of Meile, a non-custodial, web3 dVPN solution. We are very passionate about privacy and integrating as many privacy features within our suite of software.

  • Proposal created 2024-10-19 01:54
  • Discourse topic posted 2024-10-19 01:54
  • Funding target changed from '800.0 FIRO' to '400.0 FIRO' 2024-10-26 03:21
  • Proposal markdown updated 2024-10-26 03:21
  • Category changed from 'Miscellaneous' to 'Committee' 2024-10-29 14:17
  • Status changed from 'idea' to 'Funding Required' 2024-10-29 14:17
  • Donation address generated 2024-10-29 14:17
  • Payment of 400.0 FIRO sent 2024-11-22 03:49
  • Status changed from 'WIP' to 'Completed' 2024-11-22 03:51
This proposal is completed. See the forum discussion thread for more information.

  • Amount: 400.0 FIRO
  • TXID: fd80b4d5c6b0a23697df8d00c5d543bc97f0ccbac6f182eb0b66f3dd47880f28
  • Date: 2024-11-22 03:49

  • Amount: 400.00003123 FIRO
  • TXID: 9bdd2e9bbf6e4981ed1fa16d6f17a13644871fe57b3672dfd339b422a1654f1d
  • Blockheight: 983183
  • Confirmations: 84835