Hello everyone! I have been the English community manager for Firo for a good long while now, and I appreciate your continued support! After speaking with Reuben, I have created a Community Plan for me to follow for my continued efforts with the Firo community. I am unable to upload it here, but I will provide it on the corresponding forum thread made for this proposal. Along with this, I will continue to do as I have previously stated in my CFC proposals.
Still full-time, $2,500 a month. Firo listed is merely a placeholder. The placeholder amount of Firo was calculated based on $2,500 over three months, divided by the value of Firo at $1.70, and an additional 10% added to try and prevent having to make a new proposal but also not having to demand too much Firo from the CFC. I hope that my work up to this point has been satisfactory and that you will choose to fund me again! Thank you for your time!
EDIT: Reduced amount to represent two months at request on the same values previously stated.
Amount: $2,500 USD a month. The Firo value specified is merely a placeholder.
Period: May to June
82.465 FIRO
2023-08-01 15:36
1479.3 FIRO
2023-08-01 15:34
1674.235 FIRO
2023-07-03 03:24
3236.0 FIRO