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FIRO Awareness and Exposure via Huobi Live by fabianbpc922

Goal: 1237 FIRO ($1583.36) Marketing
Proposal Disabled


Huobi re-listed FIRO recently therefore it will be a good timing to throw on certain marketing activities that will creates greater momentum towards the trading volume on HUOBI.

How much?

The tabulation of our expenses for a series of marketing activities that will be held for 30 days.

  1. 850USD
  • Allowance for 4 live stream sessions for 100USD each session that will last for 2 hours that will sums up to 400 USD.
  • Live session preparation and production allowance of total 200USD that sum up from 50USD for each session.
  • total of 4 articles regarding important points that has been pitched during each live session will be posted on Community page and we seek for allowance for producing, writing and answering 60USD per writings and 10USD from each posting allowance will be reserved as rewards for comments random winner to post their trading result on this each posting. Total 250 USD with 10USD reserved for minor expenses.
  1. 1000 USD - 688USD prize pool for winner that participated on the Informative and prize winning session. 322USD will be reserve for expenses of production cost.
  2. 500 USD - Other micellaneous expanses and votality protection(Transportation, management &administartion during the campaign period).

Subtotal Estimation 2350 USD @ 1.9USD per FIRO = 1237 FIRO and that divided by a team with collaboration 4 person we received the most 200USD per person for one month involvement.


Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Fabian from CryptoNexus, Huobi English Community KOL & Live Stream Ambassador. CrytoNexus is a team that I created last year with the intent to promote awareness and understanding about crypto security and privacy. Currently our team consist of 4 members including myself and another Streamer that taking care of Mandarin speaking community.However for the Live session, I am actually thinking of doing it for both English and Mandarin as these 2 communities contributes 90% of Huobi Community's activities. With minimal exposure of 500-1.5k Huobi users for each session.Therefore I actually planned a 4 weeks marketing activities which listed below:

  1. Total of 5 live sessions on Huobi Community.
  • 2 sessions of Q&A sessions with members of FIRO project to be conducted in Mandarin.
  • 2 sessions of Q&A to be conducted in English
  • 1 Informative live sessions with prize winning on the basis of 1st to answer correctly will be rewarded.
  1. We will also published important points and highlights for the 4 Q&A session with the members from FIRO's core team.

We can actually converse fluently in Mandarin, English as well as Malay. Language competency will be our additional advantages.

  • Proposal created 2023-01-23 20:45
  • Discourse topic posted 2023-01-23 20:45
  • Status changed from 'idea' to 'Disabled' 2023-02-11 09:07
This proposal is disabled.