## Why? This is the 18th request to the CFC as we committed to do month to month requests instead of a lump sum request. Core team gets about ~16000 FIRO a month from the share of the block reward. At today's prices this is **USD19,040** **Breakdown of Core Team Expenses** We have temporarily paused research since there are not urgent outstanding research tasks. We have also paused sysadmin services. Developer Pay (covers 4 developers Peter, Levon, Artur and Narek) **30,000 USD/month** Admin/Support/Management (including Reuben) **9500 USD/month** (covers Reuben, Anwar, Ajay) Hosting Fees: **1,200 USD/month** This covers Github, Continuous Integration, Matrix, chat bridges, seed nodes, explorers, light wallet servers, testnet and website hosting fees. The bulk of this is on explorers and the light wallet support which require beefier specs. Community Support: **1000 USD** Batuhan receives 500 USD to assist with community management. The remainder is for various giveaways, merchandise and community events or to reward volunteer community managers. Market Making **6500 USD**/month We have increased our market making expenses to have full coverage on all important markets. **Total: USD 48,200** **Deficit: USD 29160** Do note that the deficit is only an estimate and is based on the current market price. This figure changes with the ebbs and flows of the market. ## How much? Total requested: **~USD 29160 in FIRO equivalent** At current prices, the CFC's block reward for a single month wouldn't be sufficient but we can probably stretch our payments a bit more to give us some breathing room. We are considering letting go or renegotiating with some of our developers. We won't be requesting volatility protection especially this will be on a month to month basis. We are requesting for this proposal to be reviewed on a month to month basis by the Community Fund Committee so that in the event market conditions improved we can cease this and we can also adjust the amount requested. The core team as a general principle does not want to make requests from the Community Fund unless absolutely necessary and we appreciate the support.